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Black Friday Sale: 3 for 2 across ALL toys *automatically applied at checkout*
Black Friday Sale: 3 for 2 across ALL toys

Enter now to win £150+ worth of muddy dog goodies

After a muddy walk sploshing about, you arrive home with muddy paws, tums, boots, and if your dogs really lucky - mucky toys too! 
Hose down your dog, your boots, and your toys with the ultimate autumn/winter muddy walk solution - before you even head home. 

No electric required - The 8L Mud Daddy® is silent and gives you a constant stream of warm/cold water that works like a dream. 

What’s in this almighty bundle of muddy dog gear?

Over £150 worth of top notch goodies, that’s what! One lucky winner will bag all this:

  • Bright Fauxtastic 
  • PowerBall Bungee
  • Faux Fur Bungee Chaser
  • The Clam
  • 8L Blue Mud Daddy
  • Super Absorbent Blue Towel
  • Anti-bac Prewash
  • A mud-free home