Dog Games Unwrapped:
Unleash The Power of Play
The benefits of play with our dogs are huge. Play has the power to boost bonds, lift spirits, relieve stress, and it’s a surefire way to make training more fun. From teaching recall and building impulse control to boosting your bond and providing mental stimulation, play with Tug-E-Nuff toys tick every box.
Unlock the secrets to successfully using play in your training, playing and bonding time.
4 Games

episode 1
Get set to play Toy Switch
episode 2
Get set to play Recall Relay!
episode 3
Get set to play Tug-E-Nuff Time Trials!
episode 4
Get set to play Tug on Cue
episode 6
🧟 Monster Chase 🧟
Dress up as a "monster" or wear a fun Halloween costume or mask, and entice your dog to chase their tuggy. Your dog’s job is to “defeat” the monster by grabbing the tuggy and playing a round of tug-of-war. This game gives a Halloween twist to the chase and play behavior dogs love and it’s a great opportunity to grow your dog’s confidence around novel or spooky things! -
episode 7
🕷️Tug or Treat! 🕷️
Set up two options for your dog – a treat on one side and a squeaky tuggy on the other. Ask your dog to “choose” between the two. If they choose the tuggy, they’re rewarded with a squeaky game of tug before snaffling up the treat! If they choose the treat, they enjoy their snack and then play tuggy afterwards. It’s a fun play on the classic "trick or treat" game with no pressure - encouraging choice and interaction with your pooch. -
episode 8
🎃 Pumpkin Patch Hunt 🎃
Hide your chosen ‘pumpkins’ (toys) in a pile of leaves or behind objects in the house if you’d rather… and let your dog sniff them out! This is a scentwork-inspired game that mimics a pumpkin patch hunt. Once your dog finds the pumpkin, reward them with a game of fetch or tug! Brownie points for decorating your toy with spooky eyes to add extra howl factor! -
episode 9
Hide & Seek